Planned Giving

About Bequests

You may be looking for a way to make a significant gift to help further our mission. A bequest is a gift made through your will or trust. It is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can support our cause.

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Legacy Society

Leave A Lasting Legacy

Since 1966, WSKG has utilized the miraculous instrument of public media to enrich and change the lives of our families, friends and neighbors in the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes Region of New York State and Northeastern Pennsylvania. This important work has been made possible through the years because of loyal members and supporters like you. You can continue making the Southern Tier of New York State and Northeastern Pennsylvania a better place to live, learn and grow by establishing a planned gift to support the future of public media in our community.

Contact Chris Dirienzo to learn more.

email: [email protected]

phone: 607.729.0100
